Our Story

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the ritual of skincare and skin care products. 

I remember always being mesmerized watching my mum apply her creams and sneaking into her bathroom cabinet and trying out all her products. As the years went by, I discovered botanical skincare after traveling and living in different countries, discovering a wide array of ingredients and rituals deep-rooted in tradition.

In 2014 I got inspired to start my own skincare line, and that would follow by years of studying ingredients and botanical skincare formulations with lots of trial and error. I could always count on the help and support of my long-time partner Alex, who always pushed me to continue even though I sometimes felt like giving up on this idea.

We came up with Daku on a surf trip to some remote islands in the Pacific. That trip inspired us to focus on the essentials. Daku also means "embrace" in Japanese, and that is what we ultimately want to inspire in others – to embrace your unique self and the skin you´re in, and to develop a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you, with refined wellness essentials that you feel good about and that make you feel good.

Thank you for supporting us on this journey.
With gratitude,

Minna, Founder