Where is Daku located?

We are based in Bilbao, Basque Country, and Sweden. The production is performed in a laboratory in Bilbao.


Is Daku a vegan and cruelty-free brand?



Are the products dermatologically tested?

Yes! They are, always on humans never on animals.


What is the shelf life of Kintsugi Nourishing Face Serum?

Kintsugi Nourishing Face Serum has been stability tested to EU standards and has a shelf life of 24 months. We recommend that you use your oil within 6 months of opening and store it in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.


Are your products pregnancy safe?

Safety and efficacy lead all formulation methodologies at Daku, and we are honored that many of our pregnant and nursing customers continue to use our products in their regimens. As every journey is unique, we always recommend discussing your skincare product selections with your healthcare provider to make sure the ingredients align with your pregnancy care plan.


What is an oil serum?

Kintsugi Nourishing Face Serum is an oil-based, waterless formulation created to help treat skin concerns with potent natural actives such as plum seed oil, sea buckthorn CO2, and rosehip CO2, while also nourishing and soothing skin.