Virgin Ente Plum Seed Oil

Straight-up sourced from Gascony, France using the rare Ente plum. The oil is made by up-cycled plum kernels, that would otherwise be a waste. These kernels are a powerhouse of antioxidants like Vitamin E and antioxidant Polyphenols that help to fight free radicals and essential fatty acids that helps to nourish, balance, calm and lock in moisture.

Prickly Pear Seed Oil

Extremely rich in vitamin E & K, zinc, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Prickly pear seed oil moisturizes and balances skin, restores elasticity and minimizes spider veins and dark circles

Rosehip CO2

Packed with Pro-Vitamin A (bio-retinol) to jump start cell regeneration and re-newing the skin.

Sea Buckthorn CO2

Arctic super berry that contains 190 different bioactive ingredients + Pro-Vitamin A, C and E. Has an extraordinary ability to heal skin.

Jojoba Oil

Not an oil really, but a wax ester that’s very similar to our own skins sebum. Lightweight, incredibly balancing and anti-inflammatory. Helps the rest of the ingredients to penetrate even deeper into the skin.